Users Guide

Figure 6: Home > User Info > Display Preferences section
Using the Pagination Widget
The pagination widget is located at the top and bottom of every list table, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Pagination Widget
Use the down arrow next to Page 1 to see all the page numbers for that table in a drop down menu. From here, you
can jump to any portion of the table. Select the > symbol to jump to the next page, and >| to jump to the last
Using Export CSV for Lists and Reports
Some tables have a Export CSV setting you can use export the data as a spreadsheet. See Figure 8 for an example of
a list with the Export CSV option selected.
Figure 8: List with CSV Export Selected
AirWave also enables CSV exporting of all report types. For more information, see "Exporting Reports to XML, CSV,
or PDF" on page 263.
Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.6 | User Guide Configuring AirWave | 9