Users Guide

l Delete the alert by selecting it from the list and clicking the Delete button.
Monitoring and Supporting WLAN Clients
This section describes the Clients pages as follows:
l "Overview of the Clients Pages" on page 201
l "Monitoring WLAN Users in the Clients > Connected and Clients > All Pages" on page 202
l "Monitoring Rogue Clients With the Clients > Rogue Clients Page" on page 205
l "Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Clients > Guest Users Page" on page 206
l "Supporting VPN Users with the Clients > VPN Sessions Page" on page 208
l "Supporting RFID Tags With the Clients > Tags Page" on page 209
See also "Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues" on page 210.
For information about creating AirWave users and AirWave user roles, refer to:
l "Creating AirWave Users" on page 27
l "Creating AirWave User Roles" on page 29
If you need to create an AirWave user account for frontline personnel who are to support Guest WLAN users, refer
to "Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Clients > Guest Users Page" on page 206.
Overview of the Clients Pages
The Clients pages display multiple types of user data for existing WLAN clients and VPN users. The data comes
from a number of locations, including data tables on the access points, information from RADIUS accounting
servers, and AirWave-generated data. AirWave supports the following Clients pages:
l Clients > ConnectedDisplays active users that are currently connected to the WLAN. Refer to "Monitoring
WLAN Users in the Clients > Connected and Clients > All Pages" on page 202.
l Clients > All—Displays all users of which AirWave is aware, with related information. Non-active users are
listed in gray text. For a description of the information supported on this page, refer to "Monitoring WLAN
Users in the Clients > Connected and Clients > All Pages" on page 202.
l Clients > Rogue Clients —Displays connected rogue clients.
l Clients > Guest Users Displays all guest users in AirWave and allows you to create, edit, or delete guest users.
See "Supporting Guest WLAN Users With the Clients > Guest Users Page" on page 206.
l Clients > Client Detail—Displays client device information, alerts, signal quality, bandwidth, and association
history. This page appears when you select a user’s MAC address link from these list tables:
n Clients > Connected
n Clients > All
n Home > Search page results that display the user MAC address
See "Evaluating User Status with the Clients > Client Detail Page" on page 210.
l Clients > Diagnostics—Displays possible client device issues, diagnostic summary data, user counts, AP
information, 802.11 counters summary, and additional information. This page appears when you select a user’s
MAC address from one of the following pages:
n Clients > Connected
n Clients > All
n Home > Search page results or Search field results that display the user MAC address
See "Evaluating Client Status with the Clients > Diagnostics Page" on page 214.
Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.6 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AirWave | 201