Users Guide

Figure 188: Email this report
Additional information about email-based report generation is described in "Defining Reports" on page 258 and in
"Emailing Reports to Smarthost" on page 263.
Emailing Reports to Smarthost
AirWave uses Postfix to deliver alerts and reports via email, because it provides a high level of security and locally
queues email until delivery. If AirWave sits behind a firewall, which prevents it from sending email directly to the
specified recipient, use the following procedure to forward email to a smarthost.
1. Add the following line to /etc/postfix/
relayhost = []
Where: is the IP address or hostname of your smarthost.
2. Run service postfix restart
3. Send a test message to an email address.
Mail -v
Subject: test mail
4. Press Enter.
5. Check the mail log to ensure mail was sent by running this command:
tail -f /var/log/maillog
Exporting Reports to XML, CSV, or PDF
AirWave allows you to export individual reports in XML (xhtml), CSV, or PDF. You can also export all reports at
once, and a zip file will be generated with all of the files in CSV format included. These files can be read by an
HTML browser or opened in Excel. The CSV files can be opened in any text editor. The PDF files can be viewed
using any reader.
NOTE: Support for graphics and links is included when exporting. This method of exporting also prevents Missing File C:\filename.css
error messages.
Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.6 | User Guide Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports | 263