Users Guide

Figure 55:Device Setup > Discover Executing a Scan Illustration
2. Check the box next to the scan(s) that you would like to execute.
3. Select Scan to execute the selected scans, and the scan immediately begins. The Stop column indicates the
scan is In Progress. Clicking this column heading will stop the scan(s).
4. For future scans, select the Show Scheduling Options link and enter the desired date and time to schedule
a future scan.
5. After several minutes have passed, refresh the browser page and view the results of the scan. When the Start
and Stop columns display date and time information, the scan is available to display the results.
6. Select the pencil icon for the scan to display the results. Table 72 describes the scan results and related
Column Description
Network Displays the network to be scanned.
Credentials Displays the credentials used in the scan.
Total Devices
Displays the total number of APs detected during the scan that W-AirWave can
configure and monitor. Total includes both APs that are currently being managed by W-
AirWave as well as newly discovered APs that are not yet being managed.
New Devices
Displays the number of discovered APs that are not yet managed, but are available.
Total Rogues
Displays the total number of APs detected during the scan that W-AirWave could not
configure or monitor. Total includes both APs that have been discovered in earlier scans
as well as newly discovered APs from the most recent scan.
New Rogues Found Displays the number of rogue APs discovered on the most recent scan.
Start Displays the date and time the most recent scan was started.
Stop Displays the date and time the scan most recently completed.
Scheduled Displays the scheduled date and time for scans that are scheduled to be run.
Table 72: Device Setup > Discover > Discovery Execution Fields
7. Go to the APs/Devices > New page to see a full list of the newly discovered devices that the scan detected.
Figure 56 illustrates this page.
This page is only visible to users with the W-AirWave Administrator role or roles that have Allow authorization of
APs/Devices enabled in AMP Setup > Roles.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Configuring and Using Device Groups | 122