Users Guide

143 | Monitoring the Network Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide
802.11 Radio Counters Summary
This table appears for radios with 802.11 counters and summarizes the number of times an expected
acknowledgment frame was not received, the number of duplicate frames, the number of frames containing
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) errors, and the number of frame/packet transmission retries and failures. These
aggregate error counts are broken down by Current, Last Hour, Last Day, and Last Week time frames, as
illustrated in Figure 70.
Figure 70:802.11 Radio Counters Summary table
The frame- per-second rate of these and other 802.11 errors over time are tracked and compared in the 802.11
Counters graph on the same page.
Radio Statistics Interactive Graphs
Time-series graphs for the radio show changes recorded at every polling interval over time when polling with
either SNMP or AMON. Clients and Usage data are polled based on the AP's group's User Data Polling Period.
Channel, Noise, and Power are based on AP Interface Polling Period. 802.11 Counters data are based on the
APs group’s 802.11 Counters Polling Period.
The two graph panes enable simultaneous display of two different information sets, as detailed in the following
Graph Title Description
Clients A line graph that displays the maximum users associated to the corresponding radio at
polling intervals over the time range set in the slider. Select Show All for other metrics
such as average users and max users for various individual devices.
Usage An area graph displaying the average bandwidth in each direction for the radio. Select
Show All for other metrics such as max bandwidth in and out, average and max
mesh/overhead or overhead bandwidth, and average/max Enet0.
Radio Channel An area graph that displays the channel changes (if any) of the radio over time. Frequent,
regular channel changes on an Dell or Cisco WLC AP radio usually indicate that the
Adaptive Radio Management feature (ARM) in ArubaOS is compensating for high noise
levels from interfering devices.
Radio Noise An area graph that displays signal interference (noise floor) levels in units of dBm. Noise
from interfering devices above your AP’s noise threshold can result in dropped packets.
For ARM-enabled Dell APs, crossing the noise threshold triggers an automatic channel
Table 82: Radio Statistics Interactive Graphs Descriptions