Users Guide

no service pad
actual ntp clock-period 2861929
actual ntp server
radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
10.Once the template is correct and all mismatches are verified on the APs/Devices > Audit configuration
page, use the Modify Devices link on the Groups > Monitor configuration page to place the desired
devices into Management mode. This removes the APs from Monitor mode (read-only) and instructs the AP
to pull down its new startup configuration file from W-AirWave.
Devices can be placed into Management mode individually from the APs/Devices > Manage configuration page.
Using Template Syntax
Template syntax is comprised of the following components, described in this section:
l "Using AP-Specific Variables" on page 186
l "Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches" on page 186
l "Using Conditional Variables in Templates" on page 187
l "Using Substitution Variables in Templates" on page 188
Using AP-Specific Variables
When a template is applied to an AP, all variables are replaced with the corresponding settings from the
APs/Devices > Manage configuration page. This enables AP-specific settings (such as Channel) to be managed
effectively on an AP-by-AP basis. The list of used and available variables appears on the template detail
configuration page. Variables are always encapsulated between % signs. The following example illustrates this
hostname %hostname%
interface Dot11Radio0
power local cck %CCK_POWER%
power local ofdm %OFDM_POWER%
channel %CHANNEL%
The hostname line sets the AP hostname to the hostname stored in W-AirWave.
The power lines set the power local cck and ofdm values to the numerical values that are stored in W-AirWave.
Using Directives to Eliminate Reporting of Configuration Mismatches
W-AirWave is designed to audit AP configurations to ensure that the actual configuration of the access point
exactly matches the Group template. When a configuration mismatch is detected, W-AirWave generates an
automatic alert and flags the AP as having a Mismatched configuration status on the user page.
However, when using the templates configuration function, there will be times when the running-config file and
the startup-config file do not match under normal circumstances. For example, the ntp clock-period setting is
almost never identical in the running-config file and the startup-config file. You can use directives such as
<ignore_and_do_not_push> to customize the template to keep W-AirWave from reporting mismatches for this
type of variance.
W-AirWave provides two types of directives that can be used within a template to control how W-AirWave
constructs the startup-config file to send to each AP and whether it reports variances between the running-
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Creating and Using Templates | 186