Users Guide

Additional Settings
:Use the AMP Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Role page to define the ability to use RAPIDS by user role. Refer to
Creating AirWaveOV3600 User Roles.
Defining RAPIDS Rules
The RAPIDS > Rules page is one of the core components of RAPIDS. This feature allows you to define rules by
which any detected device on the network is classified.
This section describes how to define, use, and monitor RAPIDS rules, provides examples of such rules, and
demonstrates how they are helpful.
This section contains the following topics:
l "Controller Classification with WMS Offload" on page 204
l "Device OUI Score" on page 205
l "Rogue Device Threat Level" on page 205
l "Viewing and Configuring RAPIDS Rules" on page 205
l "Recommended RAPIDS Rules " on page 208
l "Using RAPIDS Rules with Additional W-AirWave Functions" on page 209
Controller Classification with WMS Offload
This classification method is supported only when WMS offload is enabled on Dell Networking W-Series WLAN
switches. Controller classification of this type remains distinct from RAPIDS classification. WLAN switches feed
wireless device information to W-AirWave, which W-AirWave then processes. W-AirWave then pushes the WMS
classification to all of the ArubaOS controllers that are WMS-offload enabled.
WMS Offload ensures that a particular BSSID has the same classification on all of the controllers. WMS Offload
removes some load from master controllers and feeds 'connected-to-lan' information to the RAPIDS
classification engine. RAPIDS classifications and controller classifications are separate and often are not
RAPIDS classification is not pushed to the devices.
The following table compares how default classification may differ between W-AirWave and Dell Networking W-
Series ArubaOS for scenarios involving WMS Offload.
W-AirWave ArubaOS (ARM)
Unclassified (default state) Unknown
Rogue Rogue
Suspected Neighbor Interfering
Neighbor Known Interfering
Valid Valid
Contained Rogue DOS
Table 101: Rogue Device Classification Matrix
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification | 204