Users Guide

Field Description
Severity Displays the severity code associated with that trigger
Details Displays additional details for alerts.
Table 117: System > Alerts Fields and Default Settings (Continued)
Viewing Triggers
W-AirWave provides default triggers to help you monitor your devices, hardware, and disk usage. Using syslog
messages, W-AirWave monitors devices for hardware failures and alerts you to problems on the System >
Triggers page, as shown in Figure 126.
Click any of the column headings in this table to sort the data.
Figure 126:Triggers Table
Table 118 describes the fields that you see in the Triggers table.
Field Description
Type Trigger type
Trigger Condition that generated the trigger alert
Notification Options
This column indicates whether the alert will be distributed via email, to a network
management system (NMS), or to both.
The NMS server to which the trigger is sent. NMS trap destinations are configured on
the AMP Setup >NMS page. Note that this option is only available if an NMS server
has been added to W-AirWave.
Severity Severity level assigned to the trigger
Folder Indicates if the trigger applies only to APs/Devices in the specified folder. .
NOTE: If the trigger is restricted by folder and group, it only applies to the intersection
of the two—it only applies to APs in the group and in the folder.
Group Indicates if the trigger applies only to APs/Devices in the specified group.
NOTE: If the trigger is restricted by folder and group, it only applies to the intersection
of the two—it only applies to APs in the group and in the folder.
Include Subfolders Indicates if the trigger applies only to APs/Devices in the specified folder, or to that
folder and all of its subfolders.
Table 118: Triggers Fields and Descriptions
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