Users Guide

Adding a Mobile Device Management Server for MobiControl
1. To add an MDM server to W-AirWave, navigate to AMP Setup > MDM Server and click Add. Complete the
fields on this page. Table 120 describes the settings and default values:
Field Description
The address or DNS hostname configured for your MobiControl Web Console.
Protocol Whether HTTP or HTTPS is to be used when polling the MDM server. The port on
which to connect to the MDM server is inferred from the protocol: with HTTP, W-
AirWave will connect to port 80 of the SOTI server; with HTTPS, W-AirWave will
connect to port 443.
URL Context The URL context appended to the server URL to build the URL when connecting with
the SOTI server. For MobiControl v8.0x the default URL Context is MobiControlWeb.
For MobiControl v8.5x the default URL Context is MobiControl.
Enabled Whether this server can be polled by W-AirWave. Make sure it is set to Yes.
Username/Password The login credentials for accessing the web console of the MobiControl system.
Polling Period The frequency in which W-AirWave polls the MDM server. The default is 5 minutes.
Table 120: AMP Setup > MDM Server > Add Fields and Descriptions
2. When finished, select Add.
The list page for the MDM server also displays:
l Last Contacted The last time W-AirWave was able to contact the MDM server.
l Errors Issues, if any, encountered during the last contact.
During each polling period, W-AirWave will obtain a list of all device IDs and their WLAN MAC addresses. The
information about device OS, device OS Detail, Manufacturer, Model, Name are retrieved from MobiControl and
populated to the Clients > Client Detail page for supported mobile devices. A View device in SOTI
MobiControl link provides direct access to the MobiControl Web Console for additional details about the device.
MobiControl information overrides data obtained from ArubaOS controllers running 6.0 or later.
Accessing MobiControl from the Clients > Client Detail Page
In order to access the MobiControl web console for a SOTI-managed mobile device from within W-AirWave,
follow these steps:
1. Navigate to a page that lists clients. This can include:
l Clients > Connected or Clients > All
l Search results that display user MAC addresses
2. Select the MAC address in the Clients list table. The Clients > Client Detail page displays.
3. Under the Classification field, select the View device in SOTI MobiControl link. A new window will display
the MobiControl Web Console for this device.
About the Home Page
The Home page provides customizable dashboard views, where you can monitor the health of your network
services, mobile app usage, RF issues, UCC traffic, and Clarity data. It is also where you can access product
documentation, manage W-AirWave licenses, and customize your user information and search preferences.
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