Users Guide

n Web Reputation: Web reputation, indicating the safety of the site
n Web Category: Website type
n Destination: Number of destinations reached through the given category
n User Role: Number of roles assigned to the user
n Devices: Number of devices connected to the given category
n User Name: Name of the user
n Device MAC: MAC address of the user
n WLANs: Number of WLANs to which the user is connected
l Category Details:Under the Details page of each widget, you can select a category to view details for the
individual category.
l Donut Chart: Chart representing the proportional usage of categories within a widget. Hover your mouse
above each section of the chart to view the category name and usage, in KBand percentage (%).
l Usage Graph: Graph displaying usage over time.
Using the UCC Dashboard
The UCC dashboard in W-AirWave displays charts that show UCC trends to network administrators. Non-admin
users can view information for the devices and folders to which they have access.
Viewing Call Details
You can view call details by clicking the Call Details link at the lower-left of each graph. Information, such as the
operating system of the client device, protocol used to complete the call, and connectivity type are all displayed
in the table view. You can look for any device issues that are detected during the call in the End-to-End Quality
field, or network quality issues in the Mean Opinion Score (MOS) field. The MOS is updated after a call has
By default, the data in this table is displayed by the call start time, with the most recent call at the top of the list.
To change how the data is displayed, do any of the following:
l Click the column heading to sort the data.
l Click at the top of column headings to filter the data.
l Click the Show link to add parameters like Protocol to the table view.
Tips for Filtering Calls
If you want to reduce the amount of calls that appear as unknown, you can filter the results by call types. When
you select Voice, the UCC dashboard shows only voice calls and conference calls. When you select Others, any
other type of call, such as video and desktop sharing, is reported.
The UCCdashboard also displays calls based on the end-to-end call quality. When you select WLAN, information
displayed is based on the UCC score of the calls.
If Heuristics is enabled in W-AirWave and there is no end-to-end call quality information, W-AirWave will
display information based on UCC call quality (see "Additional AMP Services" on page 36).
Viewing UCC Charts, Graphs, and Tables
W-AirWave aggregates UCC call data and presents them in charts, graphs, and tables. Hovering over the charts
displays details about the highlighted section of that chart.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in W-AirWave | 244