Users Guide

245 | Performing Daily Administration in W-AirWave Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide
Call Quality
Call quality is measured by a metric called the UCC score. This metric takes into account delay, jitter, and packet
loss. W-AirWave obtains these metrics from RTCP messages sent from the client (if the client is capable of
sending them). For audio calls, W-AirWave obtains these metrics from the Dell AP that inspects the RTP flows.
The following table describes the UCC scores and quality indications.
UCC Score Quality Indication
71 or greater Good quality seen by the network
31 to 70 Fair quality seen by the network
0 to 30 Poor quality seen by the network
Table 122: UCC Quality Levels
To view call quality information, click the following hyperlinks:
l Trend. This chart shows the number of calls with good, fair, or poor client health over the selected time
l Distribution. This graph shows the relative proportions of calls with each quality type.
l APs. This chart shows information about APs that supported poor quality calls.
l Folder. This table view shows all folders that carried calls and, for each folder, the percentage of calls that
were rated poorly by UCC.
Quality Correlation
These graphs display the correlation between call quality and client health. The client health metric displayed is
the efficiency at which that AP transmits downstream traffic to a particular client. W-AirWave determines this
value by comparing the amount of time the AP spends transmitting call data to a client to the amount of time
that would be required under ideal conditions at the maximum Rx rate supported by client, without data retries.
For example, a client health metric of 100% means the actual airtime the AP spends transmitting data is equal to
the ideal amount of time required to send data to the client. A client health metric of 50% means the AP is taking
twice as long as is ideal, or is sending one extra transmission to that client for every packet. A metric of 25%
means the AP is taking four times longer than the ideal transmission time, or is sending 3 extra transmissions to
that client for every packet.
To view quality correlation information, click one of the following hyperlinks:
l Trend. This chart shows the number of calls with good, fair, or poor client health over the selected time
l Scatterplot. This chart shows a historical view of the call quality and client health of each individual call. To
view call details for a specific client, click on a call session (see "Viewing End-to-End Call Details" on page 246).
l Connectivity. This table view shows the number of calls of each quality level (good, fair, poor, and unknown)
by connectivity type (wired to Wi-Fi, wired to external, wired to wired, Wi-Fi conference, Wi-Fi to external, and
Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi).
Call Volume
To view call volume information, click one of the following hyperlinks:
l Trend. This graph and table displays the number of calls made during the selected time period using a UCC
application, such as SIP, Lync, and FaceTime.
l APs. This graph displays the names of the APs that supported these calls.