Users Guide

Figure 149:Network Usage Report
Field Description
Interval This table is broken down in five-minute intervals. The Interval column
describes the network usage information during these specific five minutes.
Max Clients The maximum number of clients that were connected during this interval.
Max Usage In Shows the maximum amount of incoming traffic on the network during this
interval. This value is shown in Mbps.
Max Usage Out Shows the maximum amount of outgoing traffic on the network during this
interval. This value is shown in Mbps.
Avg Clients The average number of clients that were connected during this interval.
Avg Usage In Shows the average amount of incoming traffic on the network during this
interval. This value is shown in Mbps.
Avg Usage Out Shows the average amount of outgoing traffic on the network during this
interval. This value is shown in Mbps.
Table 129: Network Usage Report Fields and Descriptions
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