Users Guide

l Last Connection Mode
l Last SSID
l Network Chipset - All or Matching
l Network Driver - All or Matching
l Network Vendor
This report allows you to include details about every client, for example, the User Name, MACAddress, Role, AP
Radio information, and more. Finally, you can limit this report to include devices that active or inactive at the
time when this report is run.
Example Custom Report
The following example creates a summary report of Apple devices on your network. The report also displays the
last connection mode and the last SSID for all devices to help determine how and where the devices are
1. Navigate to Reports > Definitions, then click Add New Report Definition.
2. Enter the title, called "Client Inventory - iPhone, iPod, iPad."
3. Select Client Inventory from the Type drop-down menu.
4. In the Summarize Report By section, select the AOSDevice Type Summary, Device Type Summary, Last
Connection Mode Summary, and Last SSIDSummary options.
5. Specify "Matching" in the Model section for iPads, iPhones, and iPods.
6. Click Save and Run. The report displays on the Generated Reports page when it is available, as shown in
Figure 153.
Figure 153:Reports > Generated > Client Inventory (partial)
The fields on this report are described in Table 132.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Creating, Running, and Sending Reports | 276