Users Guide

Figure 154:Client Session Detail
Each Client Session Report includes a Client Session Summary section. Table 133 describes the fields that display
in this summary.
Field Description
Sessions The number of client sessions that occurred during the time range specified in this
Unique Clients The number of unique clients that connected.
Guest Users The number of guest users that connected.
Unique APs The number of unique APs that were available.
Average session
The average amount of time that a client was connected during this time range.
This is determined by {[disconnect time] - [connect time]}.
Total traffic (MB) The total amount of traffic that passed through the network during this time range.
Total traffic In (MB) The total amount of traffic that passed in the network.
Total traffic Out (MB) The total amount of traffic that passed out of the network.
Table 133: Client Session Summary Fields and Descriptions
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