Users Guide

285 | Creating, Running, and Sending Reports Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide
Field Description
Vendor Displays the device type or name. In the example above, the only vendor
specified in the report definition was Cisco.
Count Shows the total number of each device current included in the client inventory.
% of Total Shows the percentage of each of those devices that are included in the client
Firmware Version The firmware version on each device. This includes the total number of devices
and the percentage of each of those devices compared to other devices. In the
example above, 33% (or 2 total) of the Cisco devices are on firmware Cisco_
Model/Firmware Version This field further breaks down the firmware version into specific device models
and specific versions. This includes the total number of devices and the
percentage of each of those devices compared to other devices. As indicated
previously, the example above shows that 2 of the Cisco devices are on
firmware Cisco_7.2.111.3. Each is a separate model, though.
Table 137: Inventory Report Fields and Descriptions
Using the Rogue Containment Audit Report
The Rogue Containment Audit report that lets you know if any containment is failing. Figure 159 illustrates the
output of this report, and Table 138 describes the fields available in the report.
Figure 159:Rogue Containment Audit Report Page Illustration
Field Description
Controller The controller attempted to contain the Rogue
Rogue The name of the rogue device
BSSID The BSSIDof the rogue device
Containment State Shows the current containment state
Desired Containment
Shows the desired containment state
Classifying Rule Shows the rule that the controller followed when determining the status of the rogue
Location The location of the rogue device, if available
Table 138: Rogue Containment Report fields and descriptions