Users Guide

C | AMP Command Line Interface Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide
Table 156: CLI Options
Option Description
1 Upload File Uploads a file to the AirWave server you're currently logged in to using SCPfor Unix.
2 Download File
Downloads a file from the local AMP to another server using SCP for Unix.
3 Delete File Deletes a file from the AirWave server. Files shown for deletion might include
downloaded files, temporary files, and backup files.
4 Backup Displays AMP Backup options.
4-1 Backup Now Runs the back up now.
4-2 Configure Automatic
Sets the destination for the nightly backup files.
4-3 Local Backup Retention Changes how many backups W-AirWave retains (maximum of 4).
5 Restore Restores the AMP server from an on-demand, nightly, or imported backup that you
6 Support Displays support options.
6-1 Show Tech Support Displays information about the AMP server to show technical support.
6-2 Generate Diagnostic
Displays the compressed log collection for sending to customer support.
6-3 Initialize Support
Loads the support_connection.tar file provided by customer support and creates the
support user (by default, awsupport) and password.
6-4 Start Support Connection Toggles on and off the support connection.
6-5 Delete Support User Deletes the awsupport.gpg file.
6-6 Show contents of
Displays the encrypted support credentials.
7 Upgrade Displays upgrade options.
7-1 Upgrade W-AirWave
Management Platform
Runs the W-AirWave software upgrade.
7-2 Upgrade OSKernel Runs the kernel upgrade (requires rebooting the AirWave server).
8 Advanced Displays system options.
8-1 Restart Application Restarts the AirWave services.
8-2 Reboot System Reboots the AirWave server.
8-3 Configure Network
Configures network settings.
8-4 Set Hostname Sets the hostname of the AirWave server.
8-5 Shutdown System (halt) Shuts down the AirWave server gracefully.