Users Guide

Setting Default Description
SNMP Timeout
(3-60 sec)
3 Sets the time, in seconds, that W-AirWave waits for a response from a device
after sending an SNMP request.
SNMP Retries
3 Sets the number of times W-AirWave tries to poll a device when it does not
receive a response within the SNMP Timeout Period or the Group's Missed
SNMP Poll Threshold setting (1-100). If W-AirWave does not receive an
SNMP response from the device after the specified number of retries, W-
AirWave classifies that device as Down.
NOTE: Although the upper limit for this value is 40, some SNMP libraries still
have a hard limit of 20 retries. In these cases, any retry value that is set above
20 will still stop at 20.
Table 24: Device Setup > Communication > SNMP Settings Fields and Default Values
3. Click Add and enter the following information :
l Username - User name of the SNMP v3 user as configured on the controller.
l Auth Protocol - MD5 or SHA. The default setting is SHA.
l Auth and Priv Protocol Passphrases - Authentication and privilege protocol passphrases for the user,
as configured on the controller.
l Priv Protocol - DES or AES. The default setting is DES.
The SNMP Inform receiver will restart when users are changed or added to the controller.
4. Enter or adjust the default value for the Telnet/SSH timeout. Table 25 shows the setting and default value.
Setting Default Description
Telnet/SSH Timeout
(3-120 sec)
10 Sets the timeout period in seconds used when performing Telnet and SSH
Table 25: Device Setup > Communication > Telnet/SSH Settings Fields and Default Values
5. Locate the HTTP Discovery Settings section and adjust the default value. Table 26 shows the setting and
default value.
Setting Default Description
HTTP Timeout
(3-120 sec)
5 Sets the timeout period in seconds used when running an HTTP discovery scan.
Table 26: Device Setup > Communication > HTTP Discovery Settings Fields and Default Values
6. Locate the ICMP Settings section and adjust the default value as required. Table 27 shows the setting and
default value.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Configuring W-AirWave | 54