Users Guide

Figure 23:AMP Setup > Device Type Setup Page Illustration
Configuring Cisco WLSE and WLSE Rogue Scanning
The Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) includes rogue scanning functions that W-AirWave supports. This
section contains the following topics and procedures, and several of these sections have additional sub-
l "Introduction to Cisco WLSE" on page 60
l "Initial WLSE Configuration" on page 61
l "Configuring IOS APs for WDS Participation" on page 62
l "Configuring ACS for WDS Authentication" on page 63
l "Configuring Cisco WLSE Rogue Scanning" on page 63
You must enter one or more CiscoWorks WLSE hosts to be polled for discovery of Cisco devices and rogue AP
Introduction to Cisco WLSE
Cisco WLSE functions as an integral part of the Cisco Structured Wireless-Aware Network (SWAN) architecture,
which includes IOS Access Points, a Wireless Domain Service, an Access Control Server, and a WLSE. In order for
W-AirWave to obtain Rogue AP information from the WLSE, all SWAN components must be properly configured.
Table 31 describes these components.
SWAN Component Requirements
WDS (Wireless Domain
l WDS Name
l Primary and backup IP address for WDS devices (IOS AP or WLSM)
l WDS Credentials APs within WDS Group
NOTE: WDS can be either a WLSM or an IOS AP. WLSM (WDS) can control up to 250
access points. AP (WDS) can control up to 30 access points.
Table 31: Cisco SWAN Architecture Components
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.4 | User Guide Configuring W-AirWave | 60