Users Guide

18 | OV3600 and Alcatel-Lucent Integration Strategies OmniVista 3600 Air Manager 8.2.4 | Best Practices Guide
l IDS Tracking does not require WMS Offload in an all-master or master/local environment.
l IDS Tracking does require enable stats in a master/local environment.
l WMS Offload will hide the Security Summary tab on master switch’s web interface.
l WMS Offload encompasses enable stats or enable stats is a subset of WMS Offload.
l Unless you enable stats on the local switches in a master/local environment, the local switches do not
populate their MIBs with any information about clients or rogue devices discovered/associated with their
APs. Instead the information is sent upstream to master switch.
Example Use Cases
The following are example use cases of integration strategies:
l "When to Use Enable Stats" on page 18
l "When to Use WMS Offload" on page 18
l "When to Use RTLS" on page 18
l "When to Define OV3600 as a Trap Host" on page 19
l "When to Use Channel Utilization" on page 19
When to Use Enable Stats
You want to pilot OV3600, and you do not want to make major configuration changes to their infrastructure or
manage configuration from OV3600.
EnableStats still pushes a small subset of commands to the switches via SSH.
See "Enable switch Statistics Using OV3600" on page 19.
When to Use WMS Offload
l You have older Alcatel-Lucent infrastructure in a master/local environment and the master switch is fully
taxed. Offloading WMS will increase the capacity of the master switch by offloading statistics gathering
requirements and device classification coordination to OV3600.
l You want to use OV3600 to distribute client and rogue device classification amongst multiple master switches
in a master/local environment or in an All-Masters environment.
l See the following topics:
n "WMS Offload with OV3600" on page 20
n "Understanding WMS Offload Impact on Alcatel-Lucent Infrastructure" on page 22
n "WMS Offload Details" on page AS
When to Use RTLS
l A hospital wants to achieve very precise location accuracy (5 -15 feet) for their medical devices which are
associating to the WLAN.
l You want to locate items utilizing Wi-Fi Tags.
RTLS can negatively impact your OV3600 server's performance.
l See "Leveraging RTLS to Increase Accuracy" on page AU.