Users Guide

Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.x | Getting Started Guide Common Configuration Options | 19
Chapter 2
Common Configuration Options
This section describes common configuration options for triggers, reports, and alerts that you might use on a
daily basis. Refer to the following sections for additional information:
l "How Do I Acknowledge Alerts?" on page 19
l "Trigger Conditions" on page 20
l "Notification Options" on page 20
l "Alert Visibility" on page 20
l "Which Triggers Are Most Important?" on page 20
l "All Triggers" on page 23
l "Which Reports Should I Use?" on page 24
How Do I Acknowledge Alerts?
AirWave can send out customizable alerts on over 35 types of events. You can control the alerting behavior by
creating triggers on the System >Triggers page.
Normally AirWave will not alert on an event if there is an existing, unacknowledged alert for the same event (for
example, a radio with > 80% utilization). To tell AirWave that you are ready for it to start alerting on that event
again, the alert needs to be either acknowledged or deleted on the System >Alerts page.
Figure 6:Alerts List
Auto-Acknowledgement of Device Down Alerts
Device Down alerts can be automatically acknowledged when the device comes back up. To enable auto-
acknowledgement of Device Down alerts, create a Device Up alert with the Auto Acknowledge setting enabled in
one of these ways: