Users Guide

20 | Common Configuration Options Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.2.x | Getting Started Guide
l Up - When a device comes up, its Device Down alerts are acknowledged.
l Up and Down - Like above, and in addition if the device goes down, it's Device Up alerts are acknowledged.
Alert Suppression
It's important to understand the "Suppress Until Acknowledged" setting for triggers.
l If suppression is set to No, then AirWave will send out an alert every time it detects the symptom. For example, if an
AP were down, we would send an alert every time we poll for Thin AP Status, typically every 5 minutes.
l If suppression is set to Yes, then AirWave will not send another alert until one of these things happens:
n A user acknowledges or deletes the alert.
n The alert is automatically acknowledged or purged by nightly maintenance. The thresholds for
automatically acknowledging and purging are configurable on the AMP Setup page.
Trigger Conditions
Conditions can be used to fine-tune when alerts are sent. For many types of triggers, multiple conditions can be
used. When there are multiple conditions you can control whether all conditions must be met (Matching
Conditions = All) for the trigger to fire, or it will fire if any one condition is met (Any). The Channel Utilization
trigger below is a good example of a trigger that will fire if either of the two conditions is met.
Notification Options
AirWave includes the following notification options:
l Alerts are always logged on the System > Alerts page.
l Email - Alerts can be sent to multiple email addresses.
l SNMP Traps to External NMS - Traps can be sent to external systems. Add external NMS servers on the AMP Setup >
NMS page.
Alert Visibility
There are two options for alert visibility:
l By Role - only users with the same role as the trigger creator will see the alerts.
l By Triggering Agent - If an AirWave user is allowed to see the AP/rogue/client that the alert is about, then he can see
the alert. If he is not allowed to see the AP/rogue/client, then he also cannot see the alert.
Which Triggers Are Most Important?
There are over 35 types of triggers available. This section shows which are the most valuable ones, the ones that
should be enabled every time you install a new AirWave server.
l "Device Down Trigger" on page 21
l "Device Up Trigger" on page 21
l "Channel Utilization Trigger" on page 21
l "Rogue Reclassified Trigger" on page 22
l "Connected Clients Trigger" on page 22
l "Client RADIUS Authentication Issues Trigger" on page 22