Users Guide

Dell Networking W-AirWave 7.7 | Controller Configuration Contents | iii
Controller Configuration in AirWave 7
Requirements, Restrictions, and ArubaOS Support in AirWave 7
Requirements 7
Restrictions 7
ArubaOS Support in AirWave 7
Overview of Dell Networking W Configuration in AirWave 8
Device Setup > Dell Networking W Configuration Page 9
Groups > Controller Config Page with Global Configuration Enabled 10
Groups > Controller Config when Global Configuration is Disabled 10
Controller Configuration Sections in the Tree View 10
Dell Networking W AP Groups Section 11
AP Overrides Section 11
WLANs Section 12
Profiles Section 13
Security Section 13
Local Config Section 14
Advanced Services Section 14
APs/Devices > List Page 15
APs/Devices > Manage Page 15
APs/Devices > Monitor Page 16
APs/Devices > Audit Page 16
Groups > Basic Page 17
Additional Concepts and Components 17
Global Configuration and Scope 17
Referenced Profile Setup 17
Save, Save and Apply, and Revert Buttons 18
Additional Concepts and Benefits 19
Scheduling Configuration Changes 19
Auditing and Reviewing Configurations 19
Licensing and Dependencies in Dell Networking W Configuration 19
Setting Up Initial Dell Networking W Configuration 20
Prerequisites 20
Procedure 20
Additional Capabilities 23
Dell Networking W Configuration in Daily Operations 25
Dell Networking W AP Groups Procedures and Guidelines 25
Guidelines and Pages for Dell Networking W AP Groups 25
Selecting Dell Networking W AP Groups 25
Configuring Dell Networking W AP Groups 26
General WLAN Guidelines 26
Guidelines and Pages for WLANs in Dell Networking W Configuration 26