Users Guide

14 | Controller Configuration in AirWave Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 | Controller Configuration Guide
Security Section
Use the Security section to adds edits or delete security profiles in multiple categories, including user roles, policies,
rules, and servers such as RADIUS, TACACS+, and LDAP servers. Navigate to Security with the Dell Networking W
Configuration > Security path, (see Figure 8). The following general guidelines apply to Security profiles in Dell
Networking W configuration:
l Roles can have multiple policies, and each policy can have numerous roles.
l Server groups are comprised of servers and rules. Security rules apply in Dell Networking W Configuration in the
same way as the rules deployed in AOS. For additional information about Security, refer to "Security" on page 48 in
the Appendix.
Figure 8:ξ˜ƒDell Networking W Configuration > Security Navigation
Local Config Section
Use the Local Config section for local configuration of Dell Networking W-Seriesξ˜ƒcontrollers (see Figure 4). Locally
configured settings are not pushed to local controllers by master controllers. SNMP trap settings for controllers are also
managed locally. For additional information, refer to "Local Config " on page 55.
Figure 9:ξ˜ƒDell Networking W Configuration > Local Config Navigation