Users Guide

16 | Controller Configuration in AirWave Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 | Controller Configuration Guide
You can create controller overrides for entire profiles or a specific profile setting per profile. This allows you to avoid
creating new profiles or Dell Networking W AP Groups that differ by one or more settings. Controller overrides can be
added from the controller's APs/Devices > Manage page (see Figure 12).
Figure 12:๎˜ƒAPs/Devices > Manage Page (Partial Display)
APs/Devices > Monitor Page
Used in conjunction with the Manage page, the Monitor page enables review of device-level settings. The contents of
this page varies, depending on the device type being monitored, and can provide a large volume of information,
l Status nfo
l Controllerโ€™s License link
l Radio Statistics about some Dell Networking W thin APs
l Clients and Usage and interactive graphs showing the numbers of clients connected to the network, and upstream
and downstream bandwith usage over the selected period.
l CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization interactive graphs.
l APs Managed by this controller list (when viewing a controller)
l Alert Summary
l An option to poll the controller
l Recent AirWave Device Events
l Links to the System Event and Audit Logs
l Information about wired interfaces
l Information about RF Neighbors