Deployment Guide

Dell Networking W-Instant in W-AirWave 8.0 | Deployment Guide Setting up Dell Networking W-Instant | 9
Chapter 2
Setting up Dell Networking W-Instant
You can set up Dell Networking W-Instant in one of the following ways:
l Manually. See "Setting up Instant Manually" on page 9.
l Automatically (through DHCP). See "Setting up Instant Automatically" on page 12.
The automatic setup is most suited for a multi-site Instant deployment. Both options are summarized here, but
refer to the Dell Networking W-Instant documentation for more information on setting up the hardware and
configuring the network.
For each remote location, an on-site installer is required to physically mount the IAPs, connect to the Dell
Networking W-Instant SSID, configure the WLAN, configure the names of the IAPs, and enter the information in
the first IAP’s user interface that will enable communication with AirWave. The first Instant network that is added
to AirWave includes the ‘golden’ configuration that is used as a template to provision other Instant networks at
other locations as the locations are brought online. It is recommended that the ‘golden’ configuration is validated
and pre-tested in a non-production environment prior to applying it to a production network.
Users have the option to add additional devices into managed mode automatically by setting the Automatically
Authorized Virtual Controller Mode option to Manage Read/Write on the AMP Setup > General page. Refer to the
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 User Guide for more information. It is also important to note that any changes that are
made to the template variables will have to be manually applied to each deployed device.
Setting up Instant Manually
When setting up Dell Networking W-Instant manually, you will be requested to provide an Organization string,
the AirWave IP address, and a Shared Key. The steps to create this information are described in the following
l "Creating your Organization String" on page 9
l "Authenticating to the AirWave Server" on page 10
l "Entering the Organization String and AirWave Information into the IAP" on page 11
Creating your Organization String
The Organization String is a set of colon-separated strings created by the AirWave administrator to accurately
represent the deployment of each Dell Networking W-Instant system. This string is entered into the Dell
Networking W-Instant UI by the on-site installer.
The format of the Organization String is Org:subfolder1:subfolder2... and so on, up to 31 characters long. Org,
the top-level string, is generally the name of your organization and is used to automatically generate the
following (if not already present) in AirWave:
l AirWave Role: Org Admin (initially disabled)
l AirWave User: Org Admin (assigned to the role Org Admin)
l Folder: Org (under the Top folder in AirWave)
l Configuration Group: Org
Additional strings in the Organization String are used to create a hierarchy of subfolders under the folder named