Users Guide

Field Default Description
Manage rogue AP
Specifies whether RAPIDS will manage the classification of rogue APs
on Cisco WLCand Dell controllers to match the classification of those
rogues in RAPIDS. This includes the "Contained" classification. If this
setting is enabled, then the Maximum number of APs to contain a
rogue setting can be configured. Similarly, if this is enabled, then the
Contained Rogue option will appear in the classification drop down
menu when you add a new classification rule. (See "Viewing and
Configuring RAPIDS Rules" on page 204 for more information.)
Manage rogue
APcontainment in
monitor-only mode
Specify whether rogue AP containment can be performed in monitor-
only mode. Note that containment updates will always be pushed to
devices that are running WMS Offload, regardless of this setting.
Maximum number of APs
to contain a rogue
If Manage rogue AP containment is enabled, then specify the
maximum number of APs that can contain a rogue on Cisco WLC
Table 97:
RAPIDS > Setup > Containment Options Fields and Default Values
Filtering Options
Filtered rogues are dropped from the system before they are processed through the rules engine. This can speed up
overall performance but will eliminate all visibility into these types of devices.
Field Default Description
Ignore Ad-hoc rogues No Filters rogues according to ad-hoc status.
Ignore Rogues by Signal
Filters rogues according to signal strength. Since anything below the
established threshold will be ignored and possibly dangerous, best
practices is to keep this setting disabled. Instead, incorporate signal
strength into the classification rules on the RAPIDS > Rules page.
Ignore Rogues Discovered
by Remote APs
Filters rogues according to the remote AP that discovers them.
Enabling this option causes AirWave to drop all rogue discovery
information coming from remote APs.
Ignore IDS Events from
Remote APs
No Filters IDS Events discovered by remote APs.
Ignore Events from VLAN(s) N/A
Specify a VLAN or list of VLANs to be ignored when a wired rogue
discovery event occurs. MAC addresses that appear on these VLANs
will not be used for rogue detection or upstream device
Ignore Events from Interface
Specify an interface or list of interfaces to be ignored when a wired
rogue discovery event occurs. MAC addresses that appear on these
interface labels will not be used for rogue detection or upstream
device determination.
Table 98:
RAPIDS > Setup > Filtering Options Fields and Default Values
Additional Settings
Additional RAPIDS settings such as role filtering and performance tuning are available in the following locations:
l Use the AMP Setup > Roles > Add/Edit Role page to define the ability to use RAPIDS by user role. Refer to
"Creating AirWave User Roles" on page 43.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 | User Guide Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification | 202