Users Guide

Clients Page Description Refer To
Displays possible client device issues, diagnostic summary data,
user counts, AP information, 802.11 counters summary, and
additional information. This page appears when you select a user’s
MAC address from one of the following pages:
l Clients > Connected
l Clients > All
l Home > Search page results or Search field results that display
the user MAC address
"Evaluating Client Status with the
Clients > Diagnostics Page" on
page 253
Displays a list of wireless tags, such as Aeroscout, PanGo and
Newbury, that are heard by thin APs, and reported back to a
controller that is monitored by AirWave.
"Supporting RFID Tags With the
Clients > Tags Page" on page
Table 119:
Clients pages (Continued)
Monitoring Your Network with the Clients > Overview Page
Clients are the end-user devices that access the network through other devices monitored or managed by AirWave. The
Clients > Overview page provides a graphical summary of all clients, including client and network usage trends; a
distribution breakdown by OS, vendor, device type, and SSID; and potential performance issues. If any clients are
configured to be Watched Clients, then a Watched Clients table will also appear on this page.
This page is divided into three panes. The left pane is the "Trends" pane. This includes the Clients and Total Usage
Highcharts. By default, these charts show data over the last two hours. You can click in either chart to open a popup.
From this popup, you can change the time range to 1 day, 5 days, 1 month, or 1 year.
Figure 140:Trends pane with a Clients Popup
The center pane provides pie charts that provide summarized information about all clients across your network. This
information is broken down by operating system, device type, SSID, and WLANvendor. If any clients on your network
are specified as Watched Clients, then a Watched Clients table will appear in this pane, showing the client's health,
speed, SNR value, SNR trend, when the client was last heard, and whether the client is active. This table provides a link
for each client that take you to the Clients >Diagnostics page.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AirWave | 238