Users Guide

Using Global Groups with Master Console
To push configurations to managed groups using the AirWave Global Groups feature, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Master Console's Groups > List page.
2. Select Add to add a new group, or select the name of the group to edit settings for an existing group.
3. Select the Duplicate icon to create a new group with identical configuration to an existing group. Groups created on
the Master Console will act as Global Groups, or groups with master configurations that can be pushed out to
subscriber groups on managed AMPs. Global groups are visible to all users, so they cannot contain APs (which can
be restricted based on user role).
4. Selecting the name of an existing group on the Master Console loads the subtabs for Basic, Security, SSIDs, AAA
Servers, Templates, Radio, Cisco WLC Config, Proxim Mesh, and MAC ACL pages, if such pages and
configurations are active for the devices in that group.
These subtabs contain the same fields as the group subtabs on a monitored AMP, but each field also has a check box.
The Master Console can also configure global templates that can be used in subscriber groups. The process is the
same as described in the "Creating and Using Templates" on page 178, except that there is no process by which
templates can be fetched from devices in the subscriber group on managed AirWaves. Instead, the template must be
copied and pasted into the Master Console Global Group.
When a Global Group is pushed from the Master Console to subscriber groups on managed AirWaves, all settings will
be static except for settings with the check box selected; for fields with check boxes selected, the value or setting can be
changed on the corresponding tab for each managed group. For list pages, override options are available only on the
Add page for each list. It will take several minutes for changes to Global Groups on the Master Console to be pushed to
the managed AirWaves; make sure that the Manage Group Configuration option is enabled for each managed
Once Global Groups have been configured on the Master Console, groups must be created or configured on the
managed AirWaves to subscribe to a particular Global Group. To configure subscriber groups, enable Use Global
Groups on the Group > Basic page of a group on a managed AirWave. Select the name of the Global Group from the
drop-down menu, and then select Save and Apply. Note that the MC doesnt push anything when you create new
subscriber groups; the copy of the Global Group already on the managed AirWave provides the information.
Once the configuration is pushed, the non-overridden fields from the Global Group will appear on the subscriber group
as static values and settings. Only fields that had the override check box selected in the Global Group will appear as
fields that can be set at the level of the subscriber group. Any changes to a static field must be made on the Global
The Global Groups feature can also be used without the Master Console. For more information about how this feature
works, refer to "Configuring and Using Device Groups" on page 78.
Controller Backups and Restoration
You can create a backup on demand by creating and collecting a flash backup from the controller. Daily backups are
also created. At a minimum, there are four backup files:
l Two daily backups
l One backup from last week
l One backup from last month
The backup saved from a firmware upgrade is automatic and requires no manual intervention. All backups can be saved
or restored and are displayed on the Audit page. You can only perform a backup on a device if the firmware version of
the device and the backup image are identical. After you click Restore, the device on which the restoration is being
performed automatically switches from monitor mode to maintenance mode. After you restore a backup image to a
device, you must restart the AirWave.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AirWave | 274