Users Guide

Report Type
Can by Run
by Time
Can be Run by
"Using Custom
Reports" on page
Yes Yes
Summarizes devices based on which have
exceeded a defined percentage of their maximum
bandwidth capacity. Pulls data for AP radios or
interfaces of universal devices (ifSpeed value).
"Using the Dell
Networking W
License Report" on
page 289
No Yes
Tracks licenses on Dell Networking W-Series
devices in your network. This report includes
information on the type, quantity, percent used,
installation date, expiration date, and the license
"Using the Capacity
Planning Report"
on page 290
Yes Yes
Tracks bandwidth capacity and consumption
according to thresholds for data throughput. This is
a device-oriented report.
"Using the Client
Inventory Report"
on page 292
No Yes
Provides information about clients that have
connected to you network
"Using the Client
Session Report" on
page 294
Yes Yes
Summarizes user data by radio mode, SSID and
VLAN, as well as lists all sessions.
"Using the
Configuration Audit
Report" on page
No Yes
Provides a snapshot of the configuration of all
specified access points in AirWave, at report run
"Using the Device
Summary Report"
on page 297
Yes Yes
Summarizes user and bandwidth statistics and
lists devices in AirWave.
"Using the Device
Uptime Report" on
page 299
Yes Yes
Summarizes device uptime within defined groups
or folders.
"Using the IDS
Events Report" on
page 300
Yes Yes
Summarizes IDS events; can be limited to a
summary of a certain number of events.
"Using the Inventory
Report" on page
No Yes
Provides an audit of vendors, models and
firmware versions of devices in AirWave.
"Using the Match
Event Report" on
page 304
No Yes
Summarizes matching events per folder, AP, and
client. This can be useful in determining the APs
that have the highest number of matching/steering
"Using the Memory
and CPU Utilization
Report" on page
Yes Yes
Summarizes usage for controllers for defined top
number of devices; can be run with or without per-
CPU details and details about device memory
Table 135:
Report Types and Scheduling Options Supported for Custom Reports
Dell Networking W-AirWave 8.0 | User Guide Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports | 286