Administrator Guide

Figure 8 Change the Individual VC Names
Bulk Editing on Multiple Virtual Controllers
The upper section of the Variable Edit page includes a drop down menu of variables that can be used to apply bulk
changes to all VCs that you select in the lower section.
Perform the following steps to apply bulk edits.
1. In the edit screen, select the check box beside the virtual controller(s) that will be edited. (See Figure 9.)
2. Select the variable that you want to change from the drop down list in the upper section.
3. Enter or select the new value. In the example below, clock_timezone is changed to Pacific time for both VCs.
4. Click Apply when you are finished making each change. The selected virtual controllers will display the updated
information. Follow these same steps for each variable that you want to edit.
The Apply button remains disabled until a virtual controller is selected (via its check box).
Figure 9 Change the Timezone variable
Dell Networking W-Instant in W-AirWave 7.7 | Deployment Guide 11