Setup Guide

Perform the following steps to configure a Radio Noise Floor trigger.
1. Navigate to the System> Triggers page and click the Add New Trigger button.
2. In the Type drop down, select Radio Noise Floor.
3. Specify the Severity level for the trigger.
4. Specify the Duration during which you want the event to be polled and the conditions of the trigger. For example,
you may want to set up a trigger to notify you if the Noise Floor (dBM) is greater than -85 for five minutes.
5. Specify the Folder and Group to which this trigger should be applied. You can also select whether to include
subfolders of the selected Folder.
6. Specify an optional note to be applied to this trigger. This note will serve as the message subject for e-mailed alerts.
7. Specify whether you want notifications to be emailed to your or sent via NMS (if an NMSserver is available).
8. Specify whether the trigger should display by role or by triggering agent.
l By Role: When you create a trigger definition, the triggers are visible to only those users who have the same role
as you (ie AMP Administrator).
l By Triggering Agent: When the trigger is run, this option distributes the alert according to how it was generated.
9. Specify whether to suppress this alert until it has been acknowledged. If you select No, a new alert will be created
every time the trigger criteria are met. If you select Yes, an alert will only be received the first time the criteria is met.
A new alert for the device is not created until the initial one is acknowledged.
10. Select Add when you are finished configuring the trigger.
Rogue Device Classified Trigger
The Rogue Device Classified trigger can be useful for alerting you when a device has been discovered with the
specified Rogue Score. You can define conditions for this trigger that specify the nature of the rogue device in multiple
Perform the following steps to configure a Rogue Device Classified trigger.
1. Navigate to the System> Triggers page and click the Add New Trigger button.
2. In the Type drop down, select Rogue Device Classified.
3. Specify the Severity level for the trigger.
4. Specify the Folder and Group to which this trigger should be applied. You can also select whether to include
subfolders of the selected Folder.
5. Specify an optional note to be applied to this trigger. This note will serve as the message subject for e-mailed alerts.
6. Specify whether you want notifications to be emailed to your or sent via NMS (if an NMSserver is available).
7. Specify whether the trigger should display by role or by triggering agent.
l By Role: When you create a trigger definition, the triggers are visible to only those users who have the same role
as you (ie AMP Administrator).
l By Triggering Agent: When the trigger is run, this option distributes the alert according to how it was generated.
8. Specify whether to suppress this alert until it has been acknowledged. If you select No, a new alert will be created
every time the trigger criteria are met. If you select Yes, an alert will only be received the first time the criteria is met.
A new alert for the device is not created until the initial one is acknowledged.
9. Select Add when you are finished configuring the trigger.
Which alerts are most important to me?
The more triggers that you configure in AirWave, the more alerts that you receive. These alerts display on the System >
Alerts page and remain there until they are acknowledged.
Dell Networking W-AirWave 7.7 | Getting Started Guide Common Configuration Options | 19