Users Guide

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Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.5 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AirWave | 189
Chapter 8
Performing Daily Administration in
Daily WLAN administration often entails network monitoring, supporting WLAN and AirWave users, and
monitoring AirWave system operations.
This chapter contains the following administration procedures:
“Monitoring and Supporting AirWave with the System Pages” on page189
“Monitoring and Supporting WLAN Clients” on page202
“Evaluating and Diagnosing User Status and Issues” on page210
“Managing Mobile Devices with SOTI MobiControl and AirWave” on page214
“Monitoring and Supporting AirWave with the Home Pages” on page216
“Supporting AirWave Servers with the Master Console” on page226
“Backing Up AirWave” on page229
“Using AirWave Failover for Backup” on page230
“Logging out of AirWave” on page232
Monitoring and Supporting AirWave with the System Pages
The System pages provide a centralized location for system-wide AirWave data and settings. Apart from Triggers,
Alerts, and Backups pages that are described elsewhere in this chapter, the remaining pages of the System section
are as follows:
System > Status—Displays status of all AirWave services and links to their log pages. Refer to “Using the
System > Status Page” on page189.
System > Syslog & Traps—Displays all syslog messages and SNMP traps that AirWave receives. Refer to
“Viewing Device Events in System > Syslog & Traps” on page191.
System > Event Log—This useful debugging tool keeps a list of recent AirWave events, including APs
coming up and down, services restarting, and most AirWave-related errors as well as the user that initiated the
action. Refer to “Using the System > Event Log Page” on page192.
System > Triggers—View and edit triggering conditions that cause AirWave to send out alert notifications.
Refer to “Viewing, Delivering and Responding to Triggers and Alerts” on page193.
System > Alerts—View or acknowledge alerts sent out by the system and use the Triggering Agent links to
drill down to the device that triggered the alert. Refer to “Viewing Alerts” on page200.
System > Backups— View the backup files that are run nightly. Refer to “Backing Up AirWave” on page229.
System > Configuration Change Jobs—Manages configuration changes in AirWave. Refer to “Using the
System > Configuration Change Jobs Page” on page222.
System > Firmware Upgrade Jobs—Displays information about current and scheduled firmware upgrades.
Refer to “Using the System > Firmware Upgrade Jobs Page” on page222.
System > Performance—Displays basic AirWave hardware information as well as resource usage over time.
Refer to “Using the System > Performance Page” on page223.
Using the System > Status Page
The System > Status page displays the status of all of AirWave services. Services will either be OK, Disabled, or
Down. If any service is Down (displayed in red) please contact Dell support at The Reboot