Users Guide

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212 | Performing Daily Administration in AirWave Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.5 | User Guide
To see more options, select the Show additional properties link. The results are illustrated in Figure 151:
Figure 151 Device Info section in Clients > Client Detail after Show additional properties is selected
Classifying Dell Devices in Client Detail
If you have deployed Dell PowerConnect W-Series controllers and have WMS Offload enabled on the network,
the Clients > Client Detail page allows you to classify the device in the Device Information section, and to push
this configuration to the Dell PowerConnect W-Series controllers that govern the devices. The classifications are
as follows:
Unclassified—Devices are unclassified by default.
Valid—If the Protect Valid Stations option is enabled, this setting designates the device as a legitimate
network device. Once this Valid setting is pushed, this setting prevents valid stations from connecting to a
non-valid AP.
Contained—When this status is pushed to the device, Dell PowerConnect W-Series controllers will attempt
to keep it contained from the network.
You can classify the user regardless of whether WMS Offload is enabled. If WMS Offload is enabled, the
classification will get pushed up to the controller.