Users Guide

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24 | Configuring AirWave Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.5 | User Guide
across two or more lines and turns red if you attempt to place it over gridlines already occupied by widgets.
Widgets with a green top banner are properly placed and set to appear when you select Save. Widgets that remain
in the left section will not appear; although they can be reinstated by selecting Restore Defaults.
Available Widgets
Table 6 describes the list of available widgets along with a description for each. Note that when a widget is
enabled, the information that displays can vary based on the user’s permission level. Certain “roles,” for example,
limit the top folder that a user can view.
Table 6 Available Widgets
Widget Description
Client/Usage Graphs The Client graph is enabled by default and, by default, shows the maximum number of
attached clients over the last two hours. Select the Show All link to view more specific
client information on the graph, such as the total and average clients for a specific SSID,
the maximum VPN sessions, etc. The available check boxes within this graph are
determined by the SSIDs that AirWave is aware of from polling the device.
The Usage graph is enabled by default and, by default, shows the average bits-per-
second in/out information and average VPN in/out information. Select the Show All link
to view usage information for specific SSIDs. The available checkboxes within this
graph are determined by by the SSIDs that AirWave is aware of from polling the device.
The information in these graphs is color coded to match the selected check boxes.
Monitoring and Config Pie The Monitoring Status pie shows the percentage of total devices that are up and the
number and perctentage of devices that are currently down. Clicking within this pie
chart takes you to the APs/Devices > Down page.
The Configuration Compliance pie shows the percentage of devices that are
mismatched, good, unknown, and those with auditing disabled. It also provides a
summary of the total number of devices that are mismatched. Clicking within this pie
chart takes you to the APs/Devices > Mismatch page.
These pie charts are enabled by default.
Alert Summary The Alert Summary table is enabeld by default and provides the number of AirWave
alerts, IDS events, and RADIUS authentication issues over the last 2 hours, the last 24
hours, and the total since the last AirWave reboot.
Click on AirWave Alerts to drill down to more detailed alert infromation. This
information displays in the current page. You can return to the Alert Summary graph
by selecting the Home Overview link.
Click on IDS Events to drill to more detailed event information. This link takes you to
the RAPIDS > IDS Events page.
Click on RADIUS Authentication Issues to drill to more detailed RADIUS
authentication information. This information displays in the current page. You can
return to the Alert Summary graph by selecting the Home Overview link.
Quick Links The Quick Links section is enabled by default. This section provides the user with easy
navigation to a specific folder, group, report, or common task.
RAPIDS: Acknowledged The Acknowledged RAPIDS Devices pie chart shows the percentage of acknowledged
and unacknowledged RAPIDS that the user has visibility into. The RAPIDS information
appears from the moment a rogue is discovered until it is deleted. Ignored rogues,
however, are not included in this chart.
This chart also displays on the RAPIDS > Overview page.
RAPIDS: Classification Pie The RAPIDS: Classification Pie shows the percentage of devices classified as Valid,
Suspected Neighbor, Suspected Valid, Suspected Rogue, Rogue, and Neighbor that are
attached to AirWave. The RAPIDS information appears from the moment a rogue is
discovered until it is deleted. Ignored rogues, however, are not included in this chart.
This pie chart can also be viewed on the RAPIDS > Overview page.