Reference Guide

18 | AirWave and Dell PowerConnect W-Series Integration Strategies Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.6 | Best Practices Guide
6. Select Save and Apply.
7. Select Save.
This will push a set of commands via SSH to all Dell PowerConnect W-Series local controllers. AirWave must have
read/write access to the controllers in order to push these commands.
NOTE: This process will not reboot your controllers.
CAUTION: If you don't follow the above steps, local controllers will not be configured to populate statistics. This decreases AirWave's
capabi lity to trend client signal information and to properly locate devices. See "ArubaOS CLI" on page 32 for information on how to
utilize the ArubaOS C LI to enable stats on Dell PowerConnect W-Series infrastructure.
If your credentials are invalid or the changes are not applied to the controller, error messages will display on the
controller's APs/Devices > Monitor page under the Recent Events section. If the change fails, AirWave does not
audit these setting (display mismatches) and you will need to apply to the controller by hand. See "ArubaOS CLI" on
page 32 for detailed instructions.
These are the commands pushed by AirWave while enabling WMS Offload (do not enter these commands):
configure terminal
no mobility-manager <Active WMS IP Address>
general collect-stats enable
stats-update-interval 120
show wms general
write mem
WMS Offload with AirWave
To offload WMS on the Dell PowerConnect W-Series controllers using AirWave:
1. In AMP Setup > General, locate the Device Configuration section and enable or disable Allow WMS Offload
Configuration in Monitor-Only Mode.
2. Select Save and Apply. This will push a set of commands via SSH to all Dell PowerConnect W-Series master
controllers. If the controller does not have an SNMPv3 user that matches the AirWave database it will
automatically create a new SNMPv3 user. AirWave must have read/write access to the controllers in order to push
these commands
3. Navigate to Groups > Basic and locate the Dell PowerConnect W section.
4. Set the Offload WMS Database field to Yes.
NOTE: This process will not reboot your controllers. See "ArubaOS and AirWave CLI Commands " on page 31on how to uti lize the
ArubaOS CLI to enabl e stats or WMS Offload.
CAUTION: The SNMPv3 user's Auth Password and Privacy Password must be the same.
Do not enter these commands; these are pushed by AirWave while enabling WMS Offload.
configure terminal
mobility-manager <AMP IP> user <AMP SNMPv3 User Name> <AMP Auth/Priv PW>