Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Configuring and Using Device Groups in AirWave | 105
Once Global Groups have been configured, groups may be created or configured to subscribe to a particular
Global Group. Go to the Groups > Basic configuration page of a group and locate the Use Global Groups
section. Select the Yes radio button and select the name of the Global Group from the drop-down menu.
Then select Save and Apply to make the changes permanent. Figure 66 illustrates this page.
Figure 66 Groups > Basic > Managed Page Illustration
Once the configuration is pushed, the unchecked fields from the Global Group appears on the Subscriber
Group as static values and settings. Only fields that had the override checkbox selected in the Global Group
appear as fields that can be set at the level of the Subscriber Group. Any changes to a static field must be
made on the Global Group.
If a Global Group has Subscriber Groups, it cannot be changed to a non-Global Group. A Global Group
without Subscriber Groups can be changed to a regular Group by updating the setting on the Groups > Basic
configuration interface. The Global Groups feature can also be used with the Master Console. For more
information about this feature, refer to “Supporting AirWave Servers with the Master Console” on page221.