Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices | 113
Figure 71 Device Setup > Add Page Illustration
2. Select Add, and the Device Communications and Location sections appear, illustrated in Figure 72.
Figure 72 Device Setup > Add > Device Communications and Location Sections
3. Complete these Device Communications and Location settings for the new device. Table 72 further
describes the contents of this page. Settings may differ from device to device. In several cases, the default
values from any given device derive from the Device Setup > Communication page.
Table 72 Device Communication and Location Fields and Default Values
Setting Default Description
Name None User-configurable name for the AP (maximum of 20 characters).
IP Address None IP address of the device. This field is required.
SNMP Port 161 Port AirWave uses to communicate with the AP using SNMP.
String (Confirm)
Taken from Device Setup >
Community string used to communicate with the AP.
NOTE: The Community String should have RW (Read-Write) capability.
New, out-of-the-box Cisco devices typically have SNMP disabled and a
blank username and password combination for HTTP and Telnet. Cisco
supports multiple community strings per AP.
Taken from Device Setup >
If you are going to manage configuration for the device, this field provides
a read-write user account (SNMP, HTTP, and Telnet) within the Cisco
Security System for access to existing APs. AirWave initially uses this
username and password combination to control the Cisco AP. AirWave
creates a user-specified account with which to manage the AP if the User
Creation Options are set to Create and user Specified as User.
Auth Password