Users Guide

128 | Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide
Detected Interfering Devices Table
For Dell PowerConnect W-Series APs running in Spectrum mode, the same non-802.11 interfering devices
identified in the Issues Summary section are classified in the Detected Interfering Devices table along with the
timestamp of its last detection, the start and end channels of the interference, the signal to noise ratio, and the
percentage of time the interference takes place, as illustrated in Figure 87. This table can be exported to CSV
format, and the displayed columns can be moved or hidden as needed.
Figure 87 Detected Interfering Devices Table Illustration
Possible device types for the Detected Interfering Devices table are:
Generic Fixed Freq
Cordless Phone Fixed Freq
Video Device Fixed Freq
Audio Device Fixed Freq
Generic Freq Hopper
Cordless Phone Freq Hopper
XBox Freq Hopper
Microwave Inverter
Cordless Base Freq Hopper
Active BSSIDs Table
The Active BSSIDs table maps the BSSIDs on a radio with the SSID it broadcasts to the network, as illustrated in
Figure 88. This table appears only for Dell PowerConnect W-Series AP radios.
Figure 88 Active BSSIDs Table Illustration
Monitoring Data for Mesh Devices
The monitoring page for mesh devices includes basic device information at the top, two tables for Radios and
Wired Interfaces, a Clients interactive graph and a Usage interactive graph. Under these graphs are a list of
associated Clients, Mesh Links, RF Neighbors, and other common event logs and information.
Current Secondary
New secondary channel value after the change.
Change Reason If the noise and interference cause for the change can be determined, they will be displayed here.
Mode change reasons are not yet tracked.
Table 81 ARM Events table Columns and Values (Continued)
Column Description