Users Guide

18 | Installing and Getting Started Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide
Installing Linux CentOS 5 (Phase 1)
Perform the following steps to install the Linux CentOS 5 operating system. The Linux installation is a
prerequisite to installing AirWave on the network management system.
1. Insert the AirWave installation CD-ROM into the drive and boot the server.
2. If this is a new installation of the AirWave software, type install and press Enter.
To configure the partitions manually, type expert and press Enter.
The following message appears on the screen:
Welcome to AirWave Installer Phase I
- To install a new AMP, type install <ENTER>.
WARNING: This will ERASE all data on your hard drive.
- To install AirWave and manually configure hard drive settings, type expert <ENTER>.
3. Allow the installation process to continue. Installing the CentOS software (Phase I) takes 10 to 20 minutes to
complete. This process formats the hard drive and launches Anaconda to install all necessary packages.
Anaconda gauges the progress of the installation.
Upon completion, the system will prompt you to eject the installation CD and reboot the system.
4. Remove the CD from the drive and store in a safe location.
Installing AirWave Software (Phase 2)
Getting Started
After the reboot, the GRUB screen appears.
1. Press Enter or wait six seconds, and the system automatically loads the kernel.
2. When the kernel is loaded, log into the server using the following credentials:
login = root
password = admin
3. Start the AirWave software installation script by executing the./amp-install command.
Type./amp-install at the command prompt and press Enter to execute the script.
Step 1: Configuring Date and Time, Checking for Prior Installations
Date and Time
The following message appears, and this step ensures the proper date and time are set on the server.
------------------------ Date and Time Configuration ------------------
Current Time: Fri Nov 21 09:18:12 PST 2008
1) Change Date and Time
2) Change Time Zone
0) Finish
Ensure that you enter the accurate date and time during this process. Errors will arise later in the installation if
the specified date varies significantly from the actual date, especially if the specified date is in the future and it is
fixed later. It is recommended to configure ntpd to gradually adjust your clock to the correct time.
CAUTION: This procedure erases the hard drive(s) on the server.