Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Performing Daily Administration in AirWave | 189
b. In addition to appearing on the System > Alerts page, the Alert Notifications settings can be configured
to distribute to email or to a network management system (NMS), or to both.
If you select Email, you are prompted to set the sender and recipient email addresses.
If you select NMS, you are prompted to choose one or more of the pre-defined trap destinations, which
are configured on the AMP Setup > NMS page.
Define the Logged Alert Visibility, in which you can choose how this trigger is distributed. The trigger
can distribute according to how is it generated (triggering agent), or by the role with which it is
The Suppress Until Acknowledged setting defines whether the trigger requires manual and
administrative acknowledgement to gain visibility. If No, a new alert will be created every time the
trigger criteria are met. If Yes, an alert will only be received the first time the criteria is met. A new alert
for the device is not created until the initial one is acknowledged.
3. In the Trigger section, choose the desired trigger Type and Severity. Figure 133 illustrates some of the
supported trigger types. Severity levels are indicated in the email alerts. The alert summary information at the
top of the AirWave screen can be configured to separately display severe alerts. Refer to “Configuring Your
Own User Information with the Home > User Info Page” on page214 for more details.
Figure 133 System > Triggers > Add Trigger Type Drop-down Menu
Once you have selected a trigger type, the Add Trigger page changes. In many cases, you must configure at least
one Condition setting. Conditions, settings, and default values vary according to trigger type. Triggers with
conditions can be configured to fire if any criteria match as well as if all criteria match.
Some trigger types share common settings, such as Duration (which can be expressed in hours, minutes,
seconds, or a combination of these) and Severity (from Normal to Critical).
After you select Save, the trigger appears on your next viewing of the System > Triggers page with all other
active triggers.
You can edit or delete any trigger as desired from the System > Triggers page.
To edit an existing trigger, select the pencil icon next to the respective trigger and edit settings in the
Trigger Detail page described in Table 108.
To delete a trigger, check the box next to the trigger to remove, and select Delete.
Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired.
Complete the creation of your trigger type using one of the following procedures for each trigger:
“Setting Triggers for Devices” on page190
“Setting Triggers for Interfaces and Radios” on page191
“Setting Triggers for Discovery” on page191