Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Installing and Getting Started | 21
Completing the Installation
Upon completion of all previous steps, the following message appears.
CONGRATULATIONS! AirWave is configured properly.
To access AirWave web console, browse to https://<IP Address>
Login with the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: admin
To view the Phase 1 installation log file, type cat /root/install.log.
To view the Phase 2 installation log file, type cat /tmp/amp-install.log.
To access the AirWave GUI, enter the AirWave IP address in the address bar of any browser. The AirWave
GUI then prompts for your license key. If you are entering a dedicated Master Console or AirWave Failover
license, refer to “Supporting AirWave Servers with the Master Console” on page221 for additional
Configuring and Mapping Port Usage for AirWave
The following diagram itemizes the communication protocols and ports necessary for AirWave to communicate
with wireless LAN infrastructure devices, including access points (APs), controllers, routers, switches, and
RADIUS servers. Assign or adjust port usage on the network administration system as required to support these
Table 4 AirWave Protocol and Port Chart
Port Type Protocol Description Direction Device Type
21 TCP FTP Firmware distribution > APs or controllers
22 TCP SSH Configure devices > APs or controllers
22 TCP SSH Configure AirWave from CLI < Laptop or workstation
22 TCP VTUN Support connection (optional) > AirWave support home office
22 TCP SCP Transfer configuration files or FW < APs or controllers
23 TCP Telnet Configure devices > APs or controllers
23 TCP VTUN Support connection (Optional) > AirWave support home office
25 TCP SMTP Support email (optional) > AirWave support email server
49 UDP TACACS AirWave Administrative Authentication > Cisco TACACS+
53 UDP DNS DNS lookup from AirWave > DNS Server
69 UDP TFTP Transfer configuration files or FW < APs or controllers
80 TCP HTTP Configure devices > Legacy APs
80 TCP VTUN Support connection (optional) > AirWave support home office
161 UDP SNMP Get and Set operations > APs or controllers
162 UDP SNMP Traps from devices < APs or controllers
162 UDP SNMP Traps from AirWave > NMS
443 TCP HTTPS Web management < Laptop or workstation
443 TCP HTTPS WLSE polling > WLSE
443 TCP VTUN Support connection (optional) > AirWave support home office