Users Guide

244 | Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide
Table 134 New Rogue Devices Report Fields
Field Description
Name Displays the device name, as able to be determined.
RAPIDS Classification Displays the RAPIDS classification for the rogue device, as classified by rules defined on the
RAPIDS > Rules page. Refer to “Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification” on page 167 for
additional information.
Threat Level Displays the numeric threat level by which the device has been classified, according to rules
defined on the RAPIDS > Rules page. Refer to “Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification” on
page 167 for additional information.
Ack Displays whether the device has been acknowledged with the network.
First Discovered Displays the date and time that the rogue device was first discovered on the network.
First Discovery Method Displays the method by which the rogue device was discovered.
First Discovery Agent Displays the network device that first discovered the rogue device.
Last Discovering AP Displays the network device that most recently discovered the rogue device.
Model Displays the rogue device type when known.
Operating System Displays the operating system for the device type, when known.
IP Address Displays the IP address of the rogue device when known.
SSID Displays the SSID for the rogue device when known.
Network Type Displays the network type on which the rogue was detected, when known.
Channel Displays the wireless RF channel on which the rogue device was detected.
WEP Displays WEP encryption usage when known.
RSSI Displays Received Signal Strength (RSSI) information for radio signal strength when known.
Signal Displays signal strength when known.
LAN MAC Address Displays the MAC address for the associated LAN when known.
LAN Vendor Displays LAN vendor information associated with the rogue device, when known.
Radio MAC Address Displays the MAC address for the radio device, when known.
Radio Vendor Displays the vendor information for the radio device when known.
Port Displays the router or switch port associated with the rogue device when known.
Last Seen Displays the last time in which the rogue device was seen on the network.
Total Discovering APs Displays the total number of APs that detected the rogue device.
Total Discovery Events Displays the total number of instances in which the rogue device was discovered.