Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Using VisualRF | 257
Chapter 10
Using VisualRF
This chapter contains information about VisualRF, and includes the following topics:
“Features” on page258
“Useful Terms” on page258
“Starting VisualRF” on page258
“Basic QuickView Navigation” on page259
“Using the Settings in the VisualRF > Setup Page” on page262
“Configuring QuickView Personal Preferences” on page266
“Increasing Location Accuracy” on page267
“Using QuickView to Assess RF Environments” on page274
“Planning and Provisioning” on page279
“Importing and Exporting in VisualRF” on page289
“VisualRF Location APIs” on page292
“About VisualRF Plan” on page293
The VisualRF module provides a real-time picture of the actual radio environment of your wireless network and
the ability to plan the wireless coverage of new sites. To understand what is happening on your wireless network,
you need to know where your users and devices are located, and you need to monitor the RF environment in
those areas. VisualRF puts this information at your fingertips through integrated mapping and location data.
VisualRF uses sophisticated RF fingerprinting to accurately display coverage patterns and calculate the location
of every wireless device in range. Moreover, VisualRF does not require dedicated RF sensors or a costly additional
location appliance - all the necessary information is gathered from your existing wireless access points and
Figure 186 Example VisualRF Page Showing all networks