Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Using VisualRF | 277
Figure 216 Full QuickView in APs/Devices > Monitor page for an AP (partial view)
This view is focused on enabling quick resolution of AP issues and therefore disables many RF objects by
default as follows:
Users - only users associated with radios within access point of focus are displayed
APs - only the access point in focus is displayed
Radios - the heatmap represents all radios within the access point of focus
Rogues - all rogues are off
Client/Rogue Surveys - all surveys are off
Walls - all walls on displayed
Lines - client to AP of association are displayed
Labels - all labels are disabled
Viewing a Floor Plan’s RF Environment
View a floor plan's RF environment from VisualRF > Floor Plans page. This page has a fixed sorting filter of
Campus > Building > Floor number.
Figure 217 Floor Plans List View