Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User Guide Configuring AMP | 55
Loading Device Firmware Onto AirWave (optional)
Overview of the Device Setup > Upload Firmware & Files Page
AirWave enables automated firmware distribution to the devices on your network. Once you have downloaded
the firmware files from the vendor, you can upload this firmware to AirWave for distribution to devices via the
Device Setup > Upload Firmware & Files page.
This page lists all firmware files on AirWave with file information. This page also enables you to add new
firmware files, to delete firmware files, and to add New Web Auth Bundle files.
The following additional pages support firmware file information:
Firmware files uploaded to AirWave appear as options in the drop-down menus on the Group > Firmware
page and on individual APs/Devices > Manage pages.
Use the AMP Setup page to configure AirWave-wide default firmware options.
Table 32 below itemizes the contents, settings, and default values for the Upload Firmware & Files page.
Table 32 Device Setup > Upload Firmware & Files Fields and Default Values
Setting Default Description
Type Dell
ect W-
oller (any
Displays a drop-down list of the primary AP makes and models that AirWave supports with
automated firmware distribution.
Owner Role None Displays the user role that uploaded the firmware file. This is the role that has access to
the file when an upgrade is attempted.
Description None Displays a user-configurable text description of the firmware file.
Server Protocol None Displays the file transfer protocol by which the firmware file was obtained from the server.
Use Group File
None Displays the name of the file server supporting the group.
Firmware Filename None Displays the name of the file that was uploaded to AirWave and to be transferred to an AP
when the file is used in an upgrade.
Firmware Version None Displays the firmware version number. This is a user-configurable field.
Firmware MD5
None Displays the MD5 checksum of the file after it was uploaded to AirWave. The MD5
checksum is used to verify that the file was uploaded to AirWave without issue. The
checksum should match the checksum of the file before it was uploaded.
Firmware File Size None Displays the size of the firmware file in bytes.
HTML Filename None Supporting HTML, displays the name of the file that was uploaded to AirWave and to be
transferred to an AP when the file is used in an upgrade.
HTML Version None Supporting HTML, displays the version of HTML used for file transfer.
None Supporting HTML, displays the MD5 checksum of the file after it was uploaded to
AirWave. The MD5 checksum is used to verify that the file was uploaded to AirWave
without issue. The checksum should match the checksum of the file before it was
HTML File Size None Supporting HTML, displays the size of the file in bytes.
Desired Firmware
File for Specified
None The firmware file is set as the desired firmware version on the Groups > Firmware Files
page of the specified groups. You cannot delete a firmware file that is set as the desired
firmware version for a group.