Users Guide

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | Configuration Guide Configuration Reference | 107
3. Select Add or Save. The added or edited profile appears on Profiles > QoS > VoIP Call Admission Control.
Profiles > QoS > WMM Traffic Management
Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) is a Wi-Fi Alliance specification based on the IEEE 802.11e wireless Quality of
Service (QoS) standard. WMM works with 802.11a, b, g, and n physical layer standards.
WMM supports four access categories (ACs): voice, video, best effort, and background. The 802.1D priority value
is contained in a two-byte QoS control field in the WMM data frame.
Perform these steps to configure a WMM Traffic Management profile.
1. Select Profiles > QoS > WMM Traffic Management in the navigation pane. The details page summarizes
the current profiles of this type.
2. Select the Add button to create a new WMM Traffic Management profile, or click the pencil icon next to an
existing profile to edit. Complete the settings as described in Table 50:
VoIP TSPEC Enforcement No A WMM client can send a Traffic Specification (TSPEC) signaling request to the AP
before sending traffic of a specific AC type, such as voice. You can configure the
controller so that the TSPEC signaling request from a client is ignored if the underlying
voice call is not active; this feature is disabled by default. If you enable this feature, you
can also configure the number of seconds that a client must wait to start the call after
sending the TSPEC request (the default is one second).
You enable TSPEC signaling enforcement in the VoIP Call Admission Control profile.
This field enables or disables TSPEC Enforcement.
VoIP TSPEC Enforcement
Period (0-100)
1 When TSPEC is enabled, this field sets the number of seconds that a client must wait to
start the call after sending the TSPEC request.
VoIP Drop SIP Invite and
Send Status Code
486 The SIP invite call setup message is time-sensitive, as the originator retries the call as
quickly as possible if it does not proceed. You can direct the controller to immediately
reply to the call originator with a “SIP 100 - trying” message to indicate that the call is
proceeding and to avoid a possible timeout. This is useful in conditions where the SIP
invite may be redirected through a number of servers before reaching the controller.
Use this field to enable or disable SIP call setup keepalive in the VoIP Call Admission
Control profile for the client.
VoIP Drop SIP Invite and
Send Status Code
486 The SIP invite call setup message is time-sensitive, as the originator retries the call as
quickly as possible if it does not proceed. You can direct the controller to immediately
reply to the call originator with a “SIP 100 - trying” message to indicate that the call is
proceeding and to avoid a possible timeout. This is useful in conditions where the SIP
invite may be redirected through a number of servers before reaching the controller.
Use this field to enable or disable SIP call setup keepalive in the VoIP Call Admission
Control profile for the server.
Table 49 Profiles > QoS > VoIP Call Admission Control Profile Settings (Continued)
Field Default Description
NOTE: Configure the virtual AP traffic management profile before applying the WMM traffic management profile to the virtual
AP profile.
Table 50 Profiles > QoS > WMM Traffic Management Profile Settings
Field Default Description
General Settings
Folder Top Set the folder with which the profile is associated. The drop-down menu displays all
folders available for association with the profile.