Users Guide

90 | Configuration Reference Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | Configuration Guide
Association frames
Disassociation frames
Deauthentication frames
Probe Request frames
Probe Response frames
Authentication frames
A channel threshold applies to an entire channel, while a node threshold applies to a particular client MAC
address. Dell PowerConnect W provides predefined default IDS rate thresholds profiles for each of these types of
frames. Default values depend upon the frame type.
Perform these steps to create Rate Threshold Profiles for use with Denial of Service profiles.
1. Select Profiles > IDS > Denial of Service > Rate Thresholds in the navigation pane. This page summarizes
the current thresholds available.
2. Select the Add button to create a new Rate Threshold, or click the pencil icon next to an existing threshold to
edit. Complete the settings as described in Table 38:
3. Select Add or Save. The added or edited Rate Threshold appears on the Profiles > IDS > Denial of Service
> Rate Thresholds page.
Profiles > IDS > Impersonation
Perform these steps to create IDS Impersonation profiles.
1. Select Profiles > IDS > Impersonation in the navigation pane.
Table 38 Profiles > IDS > Denial of Service, Rate Threshold Settings
Field Default Description
General Settings
Folder Top Set the folder with which the profile is associated. The drop-down menu displays all
folders available for association with the profile.
Name Blank Enter the name of the rate threshold profile.
Other Settings
Channel Increase Time
(0--360000 sec)
15 Set the time, in seconds, in which the threshold must be exceeded in order to trigger
an alarm.
Channel Quiet Time (60-
360000 sec)
900 Set the time that must elapse before another identical alarm may be triggered, after
an alarm has been triggered, Use this option to prevent excessive messages in the log
Channel Threshold (0-
300 Specify the number of a specific type of frame. This number must be exceeded within
a specific interval in an entire channel to trigger an alarm.
Node Time Interval (1-120
15 Set the time, in seconds, in which the threshold must be exceeded in order to trigger
an alarm.
Node Quiet Time
(60-360000 sec)
900 Set the time that must elapse before another identical alarm may be triggered, after
an alarm has been triggered. This option prevents excessive messages in the log file.
Node Threshold
200 Specify the number of a specific type of frame that must be exceeded within a
specific interval for a particular client MAC address to trigger an alarm.