Service Manual

Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | Server Sizing Guide Selecting Your Hardware Components | 9
Choosing Your Memory
Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave's memory recommendations scale linearly with the managed device count.
With AirWave servers running at full load for those device counts with a large number of floorplans, the
recommended memory usually results in best overall performance.
Best performance is defined by minimal disk reads due to sufficient caching, thus allowing for maximum disk
write performance and minimal CPU I/O wait time.
Choosing Your RAID Controller
RAID 1+0 is the ONLY supported RAID configuration for AirWave.
RAID Configuration Information
For RAID 1+0:
Dedicated Hardware RAID controller with caching and battery backup or non volatile (NV) cache.
RAID controller should be configured for Write-Back caching with battery backup (unless NVcache is
selected, then Force Write-Back without Battery backup is recommended).
Individual Drive Caching should be enabled.
Ensure that all disks are assigned and configured to a single volume.
200 Devices and Below
AirWave 100 and 200 models perform well on a single, fast (spindle speed) disk.
500 Devices
RAID 1+0 configuration of four (4) or more 15K SAS drives in a single volume with dedicated Hardware RAID
controller with minimum 256MB of cache and battery backup.
1,000 Devices
RAID 1+0 configuration of four (4) or more 15K SAS drives in a single volume with dedicated Hardware RAID
controller with minimum 256MB of cache and battery backup.
1,750 Devices
RAID 1+0 configuration of six to eight (6-8) or more 15K SAS drives in a single volume with dedicated Hardware
RAID controller with minimum 512MB of cache and battery backup.
2,500 Devices
RAID 1+0 configuration of six to eight (6-8) or more 15K SAS drives in a single volume with dedicated Hardware
RAID controller with minimum 1GB of cache and battery backup.
5,000 Devices - Non-SSD Drives
RAID 1+0 configuration of sixteen (16) or more 15K SAS drives in a single volume with dedicated Hardware
RAID controller with minimum 1GB of cache and battery backup.
NOTE: Software RAID and SATA drives are NOT SUPPORTED for any configuration of AirWave.
CAUTION: Improper RAID configuration can result in drastically reduced server performance.