Users Guide

128 | Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide
SNMP/HTTP Scanning
SNMP/HTTP scanning is the primary method for discovering devices on your network, including the discovery of
rogue devices. Enable this scanning method from the Device Setup > Discover page.
SNMP/HTTP scanning information is pro
vided in these sections:
Adding Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning—explains how to enable networks that have been defined for
Adding Credentials for SNMP/HTTP Scanning—explains how to define network credentials for scanning.
Credentials must be defined before using them
in scan sets.
Defining a SNMP/HTTP Scan Set—explains how to create a scan set by combining networks and credentials
when scanning for devices.
Running a Scan Set—provides a procedure for running a scan set.
Figure 75 illustrates the Device Setup > Discover page.
Figure 75 De
vice Setup > Discover Page Illustration
Adding Networks for SNMP/HTTP Scanning
The first step when enabling SNMP/HTTP scanning for devices is to define the network segments to be scanned.
Perform these steps.
1. Navigate to the D
evice Setup > Discover page, and locate the Networks section.
2. In the Ne
tworks section, click Add New Scan Network. The Scan Network page appears, as shown in Figure
76. Alternatively, you can edit an existing
scan network by clicking the corresponding pencil icon. The New/
Edit Networks pag
e also appears in this instance.