Users Guide

152 | Discovering, Adding, and Managing Devices Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.1 | User Guide
Table 85 describes the fields of this QuickView page.
The Recent Events area lists the most recent events specific to the AP. This information also appears on the
System > Events Log page. Table 86 describes the fields in this page display.
Auth. Type Displays the type of authentication employed by the user. Supported auth types are as follows:
EAP—Extensible Authentication Protocol, only reported by Cisco VxWorks using SNMP traps.
PPTP—Point-to-Point Protocol, supported by Colubris APs acting as VPNs.
RADIUS accounting—RADIUS accounting servers integrated with AWMS provide the RADIUS
Accounting Auth type.
Authenticated—a general category supporting additional authentication types.
AWMS considers all other types as not authenticated.
The information AWMS displays in Aut
h Type and Cipher columns depends on what information the server
receives from the APs and/or controllers it is monitoring. The client devices may all be similar, but if the
APs to which they are associated are of different models, or if security is set up differently between them,
then different Auth Type or Cipher values may be reported to the AWMS server.
If all APs are the same model and all are set up the same way
, then another reason for differing Auth Types
might be the use of multiple VLANs or SSIDs. One client device might authenticate on one SSID using one
Auth Type and another client device might authenticate on a second SSID using a different Auth Type.
Cipher Displays the encryption or decryption cipher
supporting the user, when this information is available. The
client devices may all be similar, but if the APs to which they are associated are of different models, or if
security is set up differently between them, then different Auth Type or Cipher values may be reported to
the AWMS server.
Auth. Time Shows when the user authenticated.
Signal Quality Displays the average signal quality the user experienced.
BW Displays the average bandwidth consumed by the MAC address.
Location Displays the QuickView box allows users to view feature
s including heatmap for a device and location
history for a user.
LAN IP Displays the IP assigned to the user MAC. This information is not always available. AWMS can gather it
from the association table of Colubris APs or from the ARP cache of switches discovered by AWMS.
VPN IP Displays the VPN IP of the user MAC. This information can be obtained from VPN servers that send
RADIUS accounting packets to AWMS.
Table 85 QuickView Fields
Field Description
AP Name Displays the name of the AP that is linked with the currently viewed AP.
MAC Address Displays the radio MAC address of the AP that is linked with
the currently viewed AP.
Link Time Displays date and time the link
was initiated.
Duration Displays length of time th
e two APs have been linked.
Link Type Specifies the type of link, either uplink or downlink, con
necting the two APs. An uplink leads to the portal AP.
A downlink connects serves the viewed APs connection to the portal AP to other APs.
RSSI Displays the RSSI observed between the two linked devices.
Hop Count Displays the number of hops between the device and its portal.
Table 84 APs/Devices > Monitor > Connected Users Fields and Default Values (Continued)
Field Description